Don’t panic All of This has president and is prophesied. You need to read about this. And listen to the x22report below.

I want to preface this with some statements by President Gordon B Hinckley, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, that were so optimistic about the future. I believe, and I am no prophet or Professor, that great things are happening to cleanse the earth for the Second Coming or return of Christ in all majesty. I don’t consider myself a messenger just an observer. So, just take a look at these things and let’s hear what you think.

“God bless you young men, the boys, of this, His great Church. May each of you walk with a higher resolve, a determination to be Latter-day Saints in every meaning of the word. May achievement, accomplishment, and service become your reward in the fascinating and wonderful life which lies ahead of you.” So, I too am very optimistic about the future of America for all who honor Jesus Christ.

Today at Sunday school studying how angry the wicked Babylonians were against the righteous Hebrew influence in their culture. Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego we’re appointed presidents over all the lands of Babylon. But the corrupt Wicked satanic deep state hated them. Today with President Trump, Babylon The Great, which is The Clinton-Bush-Obama Deep State-NWO, is falling.

Isn’t it amazing how history repeats itself. Eventually God removed the Hebrews back to their own lands. Babylon imploded under its own wickedness. It was one of the 7 wonders of the world. God made it never to be rebuilt. But the kingdom of God has been rebuilt without hands. Or in other words miraculously. It is the Christian Church.

How is it that for thousands, maybe tens of thousands of years no one ever discovered electricity from a lightning bolt . I have always felt that America is the stone cut out of the mountain without hands that rolls fourth and consumes all the kingdoms of Earth in the last days. That America under the Constitution is the physical kingdom of God on Earth just like the kingdom established under King David and Solomon. Their Kingdoms had tremendous influence in the world like America. But all of them within 200 years became corrupt and were destroyed or conquered This time America and her spiritual other side will prevail forever.

I believe God has appointed Trump to preside to crush the Deep state. Although all other Christian Presidents, who we greatly honor, who tried to do it were murdered, Trump is following prophecy. It’s time.

Now what has been prophesied.

“And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, and IMMEDIATELY after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded, as a scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up, AND THE FACE OF THE LORD SHALL BE UNVEILED; and the saints that are upon the earth, who are alive, shall be quickened and be caught up to meet him.” 19

Obviously we are talking about the Second Coming. So this tells us when the half hour of silence ends. It is just before the Second Coming.
From a modern revelation we learn when the half hour of silence ends. Here is what the Lord says:


Since we know the half hour of silence begins at 2,000 A.D. when the seventh seal is opened and since we know from a modern revelation that the half hour of silence ends with the Second Coming, can we calculate in terms of years the length of time which will elapse between these two monumental events? In other words, can we determine about how long the half hour of silence lasts?

One of the apostles felt that such a calculation was possible. Here is the way Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggested it could be done. After talking about the half hour of silence, he says: “If the time here mentioned is ‘ Lord’s time’ in which one day is a thousand years, the haft hour would be some twenty-one of our years.” Elder McConkie reached this conclusion based on the following scriptures:

“A day with the Lord after his manner of reckoning, it being 1000 years according to the time appointed to that [ whereon thou standest.” And again:

“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8—‘one day is like a thousand years’

The next step was to divide 1,000 years by 24 to determine what an hour would be according to God’s time. It turned out to be 41.66 years or just under 42 years. This means that a half hour of God’s time would be ? 7 years or nearly 21 years. This would clearly suggest that this is the duration of the half hour of silence in heaven and the period of time when the angels undertake the calamitous preparation of the earth for the Savior’s second coming. That preparation includes the sealing of the borders and the cleansing of America.


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