Watch “EP 564 | The Silent Coup Against Trump | LevinTV” Timeless

Watch “EP 564 | The Silent Coup Against Trump | LevinTV” Timeless

How did this whole Russian collusion story get started? Few people address this the way I’m going to. Obama said in October 2016 no Russian collusion. At the time Dems were sure that HRC would win and B.O. was hiding the enormous involvement of Russian collusion with HRC period. Had HRC won and Reps accused HRC with collusion, which was a fact, the Dems were already saying Russia has no credible influence in our elections.

Then Trump wins. Hurriedly, BO gets all of his Russian co-conspirators out of America, B O is the Russian agent and he had hundreds of Russian agents ready to take over all of America’s institutions. CZARS, hundreds of them. B O was going to continue his pattern of taking over industries that he started with the planned 2008 home mortgage crash and subsequent bailouts.

“We all know that Russian election meddling is not new at all,” Hannity said in his opening monologue on July 16. “And despite this, in 2016, when Hillary Clinton appeared to have a firm lead in the polls — oh, just before the election — it was President Obama who laughed off any notion that American elections could possibly be tampered with.”

Hannity pointed to Obama’s remarks at a press conference on Oct. 18, 2016, a day after a stump speech in which Trump announced what he believed was evidence in support of his repeated claims about voter fraud in the 2016 election.

Hannity quoted Obama as saying: “There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections. There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time.” Right there it’s obvious that B O is covering for the fraud and collusion and tampering going on in her campaign. Even the fix was already in to get Bernie to throw his support for HRC. Everything Dems do is a scripted hoax.

Immediately after Trump wins “The Obama administration on Thursday announced its retaliation for Russian efforts to interfere with the US presidential election, ordering sweeping new sanctions that included the expulsion of 35 Russians.” There is no doubt in my mind that these were the Russians involved in ensuring an HRC win.

But the biggest thing going on was that the Trump team already knew all of this. The Trump/FBI sting was already fully operational. Now we are witnessing the full exposure of the Democratic corruption that I have been praying for my whole life.

Watch “Panic In DC,Mueller (Theme Photo MKTG)

Watch “Panic In DC,Mueller (Theme Photo MKTG)

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Weissman Again Pushed to Continue Fraudulent Investigation

As a retired cop of 30 years, I have been involved with cops like Weissman who don’t care anything about people’s lives and suffering. They are usually so dirty themselves. I’ll bet he has many skeletons in his closet and I hope he gets exposed.

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