Watch “Assets Deployed Before & After The Election,Go Back To Beginning To Understand The End:Dave Hayes” on X22 Report

Watch “Assets Deployed Before & After The Election,Go Back To Beginning To Understand The End:Dave Hayes” on X22 Report

The Q team began to assemble over 25 years ago as saw the left communist liberals assembling to destroy America. The Q team is several military intelligence experts who decided to destroy the American left any way possible.

This is the beginning of what could be world war 3. But the Patriots found a leader who could energize the American people to overthrow the left in elections.

Every move that President Trump and the Q Patriots make is calculated. Q has always said not to worry they know everything. They know the entire playbook of the Democrat party. They have everything recorded and archived over the last 20 years.

President Trump is a chess champion he was chosen by God as was Moroni for his day.

Watch “A Coup in the Making” on YouTube

Watch “A Coup in the Making” on YouTube

In my 30-year law enforcement career I have never seen cops broadcasting their plans to take down criminals. It is so obvious to me that Nancy Pelosi and the Deep state criminals are pleading for help.

They obviously have no one to help them and the big thing here is that they have all been indicted and charged with treason to overthrow president Trump. They are the ones who will be arrested and removed by the military.

As I have watched the Democrat party over the last well, during my lifetime, they have always been liars. When you hear them talking, just like all other criminals, every word that comes out of their mouth has to be looked at as a lie. If there’s any truth to what they say they need to prove it.

Only ignorant people will continue to follow liars expecting different results. Look at Democrat cities today. Are they prospering? Hell no!

Remember Joe M.s video, THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD



That is about the same as your chance of being struck by lightning just one time during your entire lifetime. Who’s afraid of that?
That’s about the same as your chance of being killed by lightning
The odds of becoming a lightning victim in the U.S. in any one year is 1 in 700,000. The odds of being struck in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000. Lightning can kill people (3,696 deaths were recorded in the U.S. between 1959 and 2003) or cause cardiac arrest.


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