“We are investigating the investigators who did this,” President Trump. “They are scum”
They stacked the deck against Rodger Stone. They’re sending an innocent man to jail.
Paul manafort was convicted over a black book that never existed. It was just hearsay and a lie. Every attack on Trump has been a hoax. They go out of their way to hurt innocent people, for what?
It’s all been about covering their own shady dealings, colluding with Russia and China our enemies. And actually creating enemies that have been killing America’s sons and daughters in Faraway lands.
And now the Coronavirus. But it really isn’t as bad is they want all of us to believe. It was meant to crush all of the countries and bring them into a new world order completely controlled buy China and them.
Marina Abramovic sounds like a vampire and I think she is.She grew up listening to gospel and wanted to be another Amy Grant but it didn’t work out so she sold herself to the devil.
First, some background on the study that has stirred up interest. The trial was led by infectious disease specialist Didier Raoult, an eminent figure in his field.
Of the 14 patients given hydroxychloroquine only, eight were cured by the sixth day of the study. Of the six patients given hydroxychloroquine combined with the antibiotic azithromycin, all were cured by day six. In the control group, which didn’t receive the treatments, only two patients were clear of COVID-19 by that time.
So, Of the 14 patients given hydroxychloroquine all were cured 100% in just 6 days.
Now, the flu has been around all my life. “They” the drug companies push all kinds of cold and flu medications. you know what they are. No doubt you have tried all,of them. I mean nobody wants to hang out with flu symptoms for two weeks or longer. The flu season is a huge boon to the drug companies. And “They” have made it an even greater boon to Bill Gates and the vaccine makers. Now, what if the flu or symptoms of any virus could be eliminated from your body completely in just 3 to 6 days? What we are talking about is hydroxychloroquine. 5 pills for a penny. I’m convinced “They” have been hiding this from us. It’s like “FREE ENERGY” from Tesla.
If they are all arrested at it may cause a civil. However, if it were two of them for every one of us, and their prosecution’s were on court TV as promised, the public would be excited for more.
These are the days that all patriots have hoped for.
Think about this. Every hero movie that you have ever watched and The restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ has prepared you for this moment in history. You are now the hero.
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” “If the time here mentioned is ‘ Lord’s time’ in which one day is a thousand years, the haft hour would be some twenty-one of our years.” Elder McConkie reached this conclusion based on the following scriptures: “A day with the Lord after his manner of reckoning, it being 1000 years according to the time appointed to that [ whereon thou standest.” That puts us precisely to the year 2021.
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