What was going on the 13 times Harvey Weinstein visited the White House with Barack Obama? What favors were they exchanging? What kids of parties? What about the plane full of pizza and hot dogs from Chicago flown to the White House for a party?
Listen to Maria defend and promote capitalism over Bernie Sanders type socialism. This is one of the smartest gals in the world today and if you get 1 like this never let her go. I have been blessed to have several in my family like her.
My capitalist wife studies this stuff every day along with the gospel of Jesus Chris. It’s a challenge to get better and better every day in every way.
Petersen served a two-year mission in the Marshall Islands for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reyes said. He was later recruited by an international adoption agency while in law school because of his fluency in Marshallese, according to a 2013 Phoenix Business Journal story.
#UkraineFinalPiece It looks to me like the patriots of the Q team are dripping this to news organizations like Blaze TV and Laura Ingram, So they can inform the millions of us so we can make this main stream news.
This video answers most of the why. The public has to know why there has been total Panic in DC since Trump announced his campaign. The democrats have failed to produce any information of corruption In the trump administration
All of the corruption has been going on with the Democrat party and a few republicans. They had been building a new nazi world order governed by them and their billionaire families. They have been stealing everything from American and enslave us in trillions of dollars of debt.
Every finger they pointed at trump had 4 fingers pointing back at them and now it’s all coming out.
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