AWK Dec 11 NEWS: Report exposes "Obama's Dossier." 2019- Year of the Boomerang.

AWK Dec 11 NEWS: Report exposes "Obama's Dossier." 2019- Year of the Boomerang.

Even Fox News is calling this impeachment a Boomerang. That’s an acknowledgement of QANON. To say this is a boomerang means that this indictment of President Trump will boomerang on the entire DNC. Barr, Durham, Huber and all the other stealth bombers out there looking into this will prove that these last four years was a coup to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States.
The HRC and Barry administration worked with Soros and his 800 anti-American organizations to launder billions through Ukraine to fund this coup d’é·tat. President Trump should not have to have impeachment on his record.
Plus there are hundreds of liberal organizations celebrating this sham. They need to feel the shame, the embarrassment of participating in this coup d’é·tat. And be prosecuted for treason.

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What About Q And The Mormons?

Consider this, Q says we have it all. Where do we have it all? Has to be the mormon data center. So who has it all? Who is Q?  Who are the most trusted white hats?

Those who killed the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hiram were Southern Jacksonian democrats slaveholders. So upon whom did they swear vengeance, Only democrats.

If Molech or satan are working the hardest to take down the United States of America so they can gain their new world order,  Then doesn’t it stand to reason that he would also infiltrate the most God’s own house?

True honorable latter day saints belong to the only International church that swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America above all other governments on Earth. To latter day saints in every land the Constitution of the United States of America Is as much doctrine as The Bible

The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is always purging its membership of Apostates.

Mormons are the most heavily Republican-leaning religious group in the U.S.


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