Maxwell hasn’t been seen for 3 years and all of a sudden she appears in public at an in-and-out Burger In Los Angeles reading the book entitled The Lives and Deaths of CIA Agents.
I’ve heard that people are resigning from the CIA in droves is this a message to them not to divulge secrets?
Why do people do this? What is the reason behind false flags and fake news? Who is creating it and promoting it? Obvious think these 2 police officers were not doing this to put it on social media. They had no idea they would make it to social media. So why are they doing this and who put them up to it?
Do you want to know what is really going on here? Watch and listen. Pay attention. Then put on the whole armor of God and engage. WWG1WGA!
DO YOU REALIZE WHO JOHN OF GOD IS? He had hundreds of sex slaves that he impregnated then sold their babies for as much as $40,000 dollars each. The girl slaves worked his plantation in Brazil until they turned 20 when they were then killed. The babies were sold to elites all over the world to be sacrificed to Moloch.
John of god, spiritual leader to Oprah and hundreds of Hollywood elites is now in prison in Brazil. Where most of Hollywood will be soon.
Moloch, also spelledMolech, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice. … In the Hebrew Bible,Molochis presented as a foreign deity who was at times illegitimately given a place in Israel’sworshipas a result of the syncretistic policies of certain apostate kings.
Wow, William Burr must not be Catholic because he is directing the federal bureau of prisons to begin executions On death penalty cases. Catholics don’t believe in the death penalty so if William Barr isn’t Catholic then he won’t protect all these catholics in Congress.
I thought he was Catholic and therefore Thought he would never turn on fellow catholics. Wait my wife just read about AG William Barr that he was raised Catholic on William Barr
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