What China planned to be a 5 year silent war against America just never could get momentum. Americans are too involved. I know many have referred to the public as sheeple and most are. But the world isn’t run by most of the people. It’s always been run by a small 6 percent or so. Hence many patriots are referred to as six percenters.
I have been in this fight to take back America for 20 years. Much of that as a member of the local Republican Central Committees. All of that time I was also helping my wife raise 9 children.
I also worked 30 years in law enforcement and scouting where 4 sons achieved eagle. And two in the United States Air Force.
With 18 grandchildren, Julie and I are particularly concerned with our grandkids education as are their parents. We feel they are being deliberately dumbed down by communist educators.
That used to be a conspiracy theory. But now that Democrats openly promote socialism and communism we can all see why they are doing this. We can all see why we are in a planned demic promoted by Democrats colluding with China.
Today I sit at a Washoe County School Board Meeting where I can comment on the wearing of mask in government schools. Gubernatorial Candidate Joey GILBERT told us yesterday that we must take back our public schools from socialist government and eliminating mask mandates is one of his goals.
I have grandchildren in several school districts across the United States. In Colorado, no COVID-19 restrictions. Kentucky, our 14 year old High School student has an athsma exemption. 12 year old exemption for teeth and gum problems. 11 year old has an exemption for impetigo. 7 year old ???
Eventually all children will want and get exemptions as millions upon millions are realizing there is no pandemic especially among children.
In fact if there were a pandemic the homeless problems would have been solved. They would have been dropping like flies in the streets.
When the media reported there were no beds available in a certain hospital complex I realized that our son is the CEO of compliance there. I called him and he told me there were 600 beds empty but of course they don’t employ nurses for empty beds. It’s a play on words. So yes the hospital would be losing money if they had empty beds. So they don’t. They shut down areas not used.
At least that’s what I see in Nevada where Clark and Washoe Counties, that have been controlled by Deep State RINOs, have been overtaken by a new group of younger conservative republicans. President Trump is leading a MAGA movement, again and we will be overthrowing the Deep State everywhere.
Some did massive recruiting and in one night about 34 new members were added to the Washoe County Republican Central Committee. It’s the Trump phenomenon.
Republican Assemblies
About 8 years ago Gary Schmidt started a movement to bring the Central Committee back under control of Conservatives. We even started Washoe County and Nevada Republican Assemblies to identify people of faith who would seek honest and moral candidates and hold their feet to the fire if they stray. Nevada had become completely controlled by Communist Democrat Senator Harry Reid. We tried in vain to gain control but didn’t have the numbers to out vote the Bill Raggio RINOs. But, Trump’s leadership has inspired new hope. Conservatives in Reno NV smell victory and we have taken control of the GOP in the State of Nevada. Now, we are going after the entire state’s constitutional offices.
It seemed that the RINOs were being directed by some evil force as both Clark and Washoe leaderships tried to shut down our Central Committees. But Conservatives had a 2/3 majority. So, we won every vote. I see the Holy Spirit moving us all in unison like never before. And Conservatives are taking over everywhere. BUT STILL NOT SCHOOL BOARDS. With SOROS and the Deep State backing communist it was too expensive for Conservatives with families to campaign and serve in many political positions. That’s absolutely why I haven’t done it. But,…
Things have changed and it isn’t just Trump.
“We live in the day that ‘our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation.’ We have front-row seats to witness live what the prophets have long awaited. President Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also quoted one of the most dramatic and pivotal prophecies in scripture, seen also by Daniel, John the revelator and many other prophets, and he identified us as the ones that will live to see it come to pass.” In other words, we are going to see a complete turn around of justice. We have watched the Deep State players seemingly immune from prosecution and punishment. That will all turn on them. Watch: https://youtu.be/jc8eEmXGzzI
CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO “There’s no way that Biden could have won”, post my wife Julie Newton every time she sees a crowd like this on Facebook. Here is the recent rally in Perry, Georgia where it is obvious that President Trump is leading again. Hence the slogan “Making America Great Again, Again”CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO WE HAVE FRONT ROW SEATS TO… Mike Pompeo, [20.09.21 19:06] There are two Americas: One is dominated by #COVID19 hysteria. The other? -Goes to church -Goes to work -Goes to school -Goes to restaurants -Goes to football games -And loves freedom @pompeosecretaryhttps://rumble.com/vnda0s-we-have-front-row-seats-to….html Click to watch the video: We have front-row seats to witness live what…
I’m sick and tired of misinformation, outright lies and Biden restricting access to proven therapeutics. Thank God for the internet so I can at least conduct my own research. And I can get the medications I want.
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