Since President Trump’s policies are very much those of past presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama is the hatred towards him primarily due to the fact that he had over 1500 pedophile arrest in his first month in office? Like Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah who removed the high places, shattered the sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles, who also demolished the bronze serpent called Nehushtanb that Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had burned incense to it.
Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. No king of Judah was like him, either before him or after him. He remained faithful to the LORD and did not turn from following Him; he kept the commandments that the LORD had given Moses.
And the LORD was with Hezekiah, and he prospered wherever he went. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and refused to serve him. He defeated the Philistines as far as Gaza and its borders, from watchtower to fortified city. And also he reminds me of the Governor Nehemiah who is the central figure of the Book of Nehemiah, which describes his work in rebuilding Jerusalem and it’s walls to protect from invaders.
Baptist Minister Paul Holt
Trump Breaking News Network TBNN.
Trump’s war on pedophiles is now hot with passage of three new bills in 2017
how is it that pedophiles have risen to the highest positions in international politics and control major sex trafficking syndicates? Follow Paul Joseph Watson in London at
Now you can see why Trump’s doj has over 65,000 sealed indictments of people who have been investigated by a grand jury who found enough evidence to convict them.
Thousands have already been arrested and convicted with tens of thousands more to come. As you can imagine every arrest leads to many more criminals.
For 27 years working California Corrections we tried to identify all coded inmate mail to be sent to the FBI decoders. Serial Brain is, in my opinion, a high level FBI decoder. I wish I had know this. They only teach it to investigative teams. So much crime goes on right in front of us but we don’t see it because we are untrained. We are blessed by God to have Pres. Trump his team, and all true ANONS bringing all these things to light. “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Matthew 10:26. This is and always has been referring to the “Deep State” in every age. Remember, Democrats initiated spying on everyone with massive computers and spy satellites. Even though Trump actually is doing what the lying politicians on both side have promised, they hate him. They fear him because he is doing what they always promised.
But the real hate and fear of Pres. Donald Trump comes from the damned: those who have gotten their power from sacrificing children to Moloch. Offering to Molech (illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us by Charles Foster)
Defeated in the war in heaven Lucifer was cast down to the Earth where the war continues and he has found plenty of men and women who will help him destroy the Sons and Daughters of God.
We defeated him spiritually then and shall now end this horror.
From a modern revelation we learn when the half hour of silence ends. Here is what the Lord says:
“And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, and IMMEDIATELY after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded, as a scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up, AND THE FACE OF THE LORD SHALL BE UNVEILED; and the saints that are upon the earth, who are alive, shall be quickened and be caught up to meet him.” Revelation 8:1
Obviously we are talking about the Second Coming. So this tells us when the half hour of silence ends. It is just before the Second Coming.
Since we know the half hour of silence begins at 2,000 A.D. when the seventh seal is opened and since we know from a modern revelation that the half hour of silence ends with the Second Coming, can we calculate in terms of years the length of time which will elapse between these two monumental events? In other words, can we determine about how long the half hour of silence lasts?
One of the apostles felt that such a calculation was possible. Here is the way Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggested it could be done. After talking about the half hour of silence, he says:
“If the time here mentioned is ‘ Lord’s time’ in which one day is a thousand years, the haft hour would be some twenty-one of our years.”
Elder McConkie reached this conclusion based on the following scriptures:
“A day with the Lord after his manner of reckoning, it being 1000 years according to the time appointed to that [ whereon thou standest.”
And again:
“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as one day.”
2 Peter 3:8—‘one day is like a thousand years’
The next step was to divide 1,000 years by 24 to determine what an hour would be according to God’s time. It turned out to be 41.66 years or just under 42 years. This means that a half hour of God’s time would be nearly 21 years. This would clearly suggest that this is the duration of the half hour of silence in heaven and the period of time when the angels undertake the calamitous preparation of the earth for the Savior’s second coming.
Study that, you will see that every time Democrats have been in control, death and destruction follows, every time. Maintaining The Virtuous Society requires constant vigilance in defeating Democrats in everything they do.
So if you want to be a bigger part of making America great again and maintaining virtue subscribe to the Millennium Academy training below.
The way I see it President Trump is doing all he can to destroy the Deep state but it’s going to take thousands more of us to get into this fight to make it permanent.
We are at a time spoken of by prophets of God from the beginning of time. John pretty much summed it up in Revelations.
At the opening of the Seventh Seal which is the year 2000. There is silence in heaven for half an hour. Revelation 8:1 In the Bible in 2nd Peter 3:8, it is written that one day of heaven is like 1000 years of Earth.
I have it on good authority that half an hour in heaven is about 21 years on Earth. So for about the past 18 years the devil has been wrapping things up for his NWO Nazi World Order. And he almost succeeded in completely possessing and destroying the United States of America. And the
When the resurrected Jesus appeared to his “other sheep” on the American continent in 34 A.D., he talked a lot about America in the latter days. He talked about the Gentiles coming from Europe and setting up the first free people in modern times. He talked about their riches and their power. But he also talked about their wickedness . He said the pure original gospel would be restored among them but unless they embraced it as a people, America would be entirely cleansed of its gentile wickedness and this continent would be largely depopulated.
Beginning with Revelation, chapter 13, John is talking about event which unfold on the earth after the opening of the seventh seal and the beginning of the half hour of silence in heaven referred to earlier.
John says the first worldwide dictatorship will come into its full dimension of power shortly after the year 2,000 but its beginning will be during the sixth seal. It is not a single dictatorship, but a coalition of nations. Here is how John describes it:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”
Since the opening of the seventh seal is upon us, has any military or political entity been emerging which seems to reflect any of these characteristics?
An apostle has warned that there is. For many years J. Reuben Clark, former U.S. Under-Secretary of State and a member of the First Presidency of the LDS Church, had been sounding the alarm. He first became concerned when President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter; aboard a U.S. cruiser off the coast of Newfoundland in August, 1941. Of course, who might have suspected that this might be the beast John saw rising out of the sea? It was viewed by most people as merely a mutual defense pact.
Almost all Patriots know that this was the beginning of the almost end of the United States, however. And there was given unto him [of the many kingdoms collectively] a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue FORTY AND TWO MONTHS.” 33
There is peace for 42 months and then Hitler begins to attack the Saints of God then it takes three and a half more years to destroy Hitler. That could be a distinct possibility.
Still the New World Order continues to grow through the half hour of Silence in heaven, till about the year 2021. And if America had not rejected this satanic World Order we would have been destroyed. That was prophesied way back in the Old Testament by Micah the prophet. And it was reiterated by Jesus Christ. “And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people – then shall ye WHO ARE A REMNANT OF THE HOUSE OF Israel go forth among them, and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many, and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.
The election of President Donald J Trump has proven that America has repented and rejected the New World Order. And the prophesied cleansing of America has also begun. There are more than 65,000 sealed indictments of corrupt State Department officials and convictions of thousands upon thousands of pedophiles. And as of this date even the Clinton Mafia is being prosecuted.
But Christians have to get involved in the cleansing of America and help President Trump and the Patriotic United States military. And working with The Millennial Academy you can make a career out of it.
We are building an army of Patriots, Q Anons and religious Christians to prepare America to escape Armageddon and we will.
President Trump is fulfilling prophecy. As we have now seen, when Christ quoted the prophet Micah to the ancient Americans he was referring directly to the invasion of the US border. If America had not voted for Christ when electing Trump that invasion would have been devastating.
“And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.” 48
Perhaps the reason Nephi was so anxious to tell us about the things he saw was to assure us that our Heavenly Father would not be unmindful of us. As we have already seen, the Lord said:
“Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her.” 49
This is confirmed in another revelation where the Lord says:
“But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die…When all these things shall come to pass, ye may know that the promises which have been made unto you will all be fulfilled.” 50
As President Heber C. Kimball described these prophecies of the latter days, the people asked him, “What will become of this people?” He replied:
“That will depend, altogether upon our conduct. We have it within our power; God has given it to us to save ourselves from the desolation and calamities that will come upon this nation. How? By doing that which is right… .If we do this, prosperity will be upon the inhabitants…prosperity will be upon the towns and cities erected by this people, the hand of the Lord will be over us to sustain us, and we will spread forth…
This prophecy is totally dependent upon our support President Trump and the destruction of the Democratic Party.
Please subscribe to this blog and and create a prosperous #MAGA career with The Millennial Academy
Since June of 2017 legislation has NV Energy buying your excess solar at 95% of retail, and you still get 30% tax credit. But hurry before that is reduced to 25%. THEN TAKE THE MONEY YOU MAKE WITH SOLAR AND GET BETTER PREPARED.
How does NV Energy net metering work? Any NV Energy customer with a renewable energy system can be eligible to participate in net metering, which is a program where you can use your excess energy to offset your power bill where the sun don’t shine. When your system is not producing energy at night or on cloudy days, energy will flow through the power grid from NV Energy to your home as usual. When you produce excess energy during the day, that energy will flow back to the grid,
In June 2017 the Nevada legislature approved rules that reinstate net metering for NV Energy customers. Credits for new net metering customers will be valued at 95% of the retail rate of electricity. As more solar is installed, the value of credits for new customers will decline until it reaches a floor of 75% of retail rate. There are some caps on system sizes if you apply through the incentive program. Read the full article here.
How does NV Energy net metering work?
Any NV Energy customer with a renewable energy system can be eligible to participate in net metering, which is a program where you can use your excess energy to offset your power bill. When your system is not producing energy at night or on cloudy days, energy will flow through the power grid from NV Energy to your home as usual. When you produce excess energy during the day, that energy will flow back to the grid, NV Energy will buy your excess solar!
Valued at 95% of the retail rate of electricity.
NV Energy’s net metering policy has undergone a number of changes over the past two years. At the end of 2015, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) approved new policies that would reduce the value of net metering credits to NV Energy Customers, but more than 17,000 solar customers went to the legislature. So, in June 2017 the Nevada legislature approved rules that reinstate net metering for NV Energy customers. Credits for new net metering customers will be valued at 95% of the retail rate of electricity. Now, As more solar is installed, the value of credits for new customers will decline until it reaches a floor of 75% of retail rate, so the sooner you get it the better.
Hear is how Julie and I did it.
Use the sign up form below
I retired from CA Corrections in 2013 after 27 years. Now working our home businesses with my magnificent wife Julie of 34 years. MY Patriot Supply is our favorite. Julie and I raised 9 children, 4 are Eagle Scouts and 2 are Air Force. We have tried everything. There are cheaper ways to Prep but…
Julie and I can show you how we got $500 dollars worth of these Patriot Supply essentials FREE. Use the sign up form below and I’ll contact you by email.
Including a 72 hr. pack. It is a NO BRAINER to follow our lead because we have been preppers for at least 40 years. We have fed our children many things they would never eat again but created great memories and none are worse for wear. We can use this for family dinners and nobody knows it’s Storage Food. It’s rotatable.
Craig Corrections
There are tremendous events happening with #MAGA. You need to be prepared, but not scared. I mean there may be significant bumps in the road when and if Trump pulls out of the corrupt Federal Reserve System returning to the gold standard. Remember those Silver Certificates? Have cash on hand, food and look here for more.
I have always been a prepper and have looked into solar over the years but the ROI wasn’t there. Until Now. We just got it. We are so excited abou it.
My Neighbor in Reno NV texted me early, “Well, my brother Larry and I are Moving to Wyoming, Do you want to join us? With California’s idiot Democrats wreaking their own communities it now seems they are moving to Nevada where Republicans have created a pretty good state. Nevada had been securely Republican for many years when Julie and I moved here 6 years ago. Republicans controlled everything. Politics was about which Republicans were conservative enough?
Sadly all that changed in a matter of 3-4 years. As a cop of 30 years I have seen how Democrats live when they completely control an area. Below are some images of Detroit after complete Democrat control. Just think, Europe has churches like these that are nearly 1000 years old and still function. And notice, everywhere, when Democrats reach 88% of the population violent crime is 418% more than in similar sized cities. No wonder Ron and Larry are thinking of moving their families.
When Democrats reach 88% of the population
violent crime is 418% more than in similar sized cities.
After just a few years of Democrat control there is no respect for anything of value. There are a great many like Julie and I and our neighbor Ron who are transplants from California. All those who have worked for a living get are tired of being forced to pull a wagon full of freeloading Democrats. No Republicans have ever owned slaves, never persecuted Native Americans, never belonged to the KKK white supremacist, or MS13. Nor are we socialist or satanist. Watch This documentary
The Democrat Party has named itself the Socialist Party of America and here is a statement canonized in The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints concerning Socialism: God gave this nation the Constitution. No nation in the world has a constitution that was given to it by our Heavenly Father except the United States of America. I wonder if we appreciate that. The Lord gave us a rule of life for this great nation, and as far as we have lived up to it and taken advantage of it, the nation has grown, and the people have been blessed. But there are many people who prefer, or at least they seem to prefer something else.
Communism: A Statement of the Position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A statement by President David O. McKay concerning the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Communism.
“The position of this Church on the subject of Communism has never changed. We consider it the greatest satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God’s work among men that exists on the face of the earth. The entire concept and philosophy of Communism is diametrically opposed to everything for which the Church stand’s — belief in Deity, belief in the dignity and eternal nature of man, and the application of the gospel to efforts for peace in the world. Communism is militantly atheistic and is committed to the destruction of faith wherever it may be found.
“Ezra Taft Benson,” in Latter-day Prophets and the United States Constitution, ed. by Donald Q. Cannon (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1991), 163–210.
In his 1961 General Conference talk, Ezra Taft Benson explained that “We must ever keep in mind that collectivized socialism is part of the communist strategy. Communism is fundamentally socialism. We will never win our fight against communism by making concessions to socialism. Communism and socialism, closely related, must be defeated on principle.”
Did you catch that “militantly atheistic and is committed to the destruction of faith wherever it may be found.” because here we go again.
Left-wing Mob Swarms Tucker Carlson’s House and Orders Him to “Leave Town”
So, if you, like Julie and I, are not ready to move then maybe we better hunker down for some tough times. for Julie and I that means Patriot Supply 72 hour kit for three, The Income Machine for online communication and Income, and Residual Services that pay us every month.
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