RUN TO THE ROAR | Eagle Mountain International Church

RUN TO THE ROAR | Eagle Mountain International Church

Run to the Roar | Eagle Mountain International Church.

David Barton one of the most enlightened speakers on American history and Christian political victory

David Barton of Wall Builders is one of the greatest teachers of how to win. Christians must follow biblical examples of how to win political victories.

Watch “Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown” on YouTube
How large has the deep State grown under Trump?

Catherine Austin Fitts (born 24 December 1950) is an American investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She has widely written and commented on the subject of public spending
AND has alleged several large scale instances of government fraud.

Thinking about how much the deep state has grown under President Trump, Mrs. C.A.P. is astonished at the amount of information that has been revealed by Q and the social media Anons.

Yes, this is all happened during the 21 years of silence, the half hour of silence in heaven. Now that is about to end. And this fits perfectly with the Book of Revelations and the Prophets.

Please be prepared or get prepared.
The greatest thing you’ve ever witnessed is about to happen.

Let’s turn to scripture, And so, as John says, it will continue until at some point the first dictatorship will attain a position of absolute power for three-and-a-half years. Was this the deep state going after Trump? Then an amazing thing will happen.

“And the [beast or dictator] opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

“And it was given unto him to make WAR AGAINST THE Saints and to OVERCOME them: and power was given him over all mankind, and tongues and nations.” To me this is obviously the worldwide fake pandemic. And shutting down churches making war against Christians was their deadly mistake.


Just as John’s account reaches a point of supreme suspense with the monster declaring war against the Saints – and overcoming them – John tells us the first dictatorship has been obliterated. WINNING!

Remember the cleansing of America begins in 2021

so it would be fitting for Trump to declare a huge win, a 50 state landslide in January 2021. But wait! The election was stolen by the Deep State and the corrupt politicians, media and powerful tech giants. As of today !/8/2021 President Trump has declared defeat. I don’t think Pence is a traitor. I think the Devil has to assume complete control before he can be defeated. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

2020 has presented the most revealing contrast between Good and evil between God’s America and the devil’s. Will Christians and people of faith fight for Truth and this Christian republic or will they submit to communist China and the communist state.

My wife Julie and I have been around those who support president Trump at several Rally’s, parades and flag wavings. These are good Christian and people of faith, Patriots who love America and freedom. via bitslide

If you have followed the Star Wars Saga and now the Mandalorian you see a constant reminder of what the deep state and communism is. The devil constantly portrays his system as a system of order and peace. But there are no examples of the devil ever having created a state of peace, happiness and prosperity. The devil’s systems always produce terrible depravity and end up on the dung heaps of history. They never fulfill their promises. The Star Wars 40-year saga is a complete education on the destruction of life by the communist empire.

On the other hand there are plenty of God’s kingdoms that have produced immense peace and prosperity.

The first was The City Of Enoch, in the days of Adam who lived nearly a thousand years. And the Lord said unto Enoch: Go forth and do as I have commanded thee, and no man shall pierce thee. Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance, for all flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good.
Say unto this people: Choose ye this day, to serve the Lord God who made you.
Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me. (Moses 6:32-34)

And so great was the faith of Enoch that he led the people of God, and their enemies came to battle against them; and he spake the word of the Lord, and the earth trembled, and the mountains fled, even according to his command; and the rivers of water were turned out of their course; and the roar of the lions was heard out of the wilderness; and all nations feared greatly, so powerful was the word of Enoch, and so great was the power of the language which God had given him. (Moses 7:13)

We have a very similar promise about America.

… The discovery of the Americas was not an accident. The event had been foreordained in the eternal councils. The prophets of old had it in view. Jacob foresaw it when he blessed his son Joseph, calling him “a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches run over the wall … unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.” (Gen. 49:22, 26.)
Moses too made promises to the tribe of Joseph, whose land, America, was to be precious for the things of heaven and of earth, and who would “push the people together to the ends of the earth.” (See Deut. 33:13

Nephi saw in vision also the coming of the Pilgrims, who came to escape religious persecution. He foresaw the coming to America of peoples from many nations, their wars and contentions. As Nephi said, they did humble themselves before the Lord.
Thus the American colonies attained their independence and set up the government of the United States, all under the divine intervention of God in preparing this land for its divine destiny.

“Behold, this is a choice land,

and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ. … ” (Ether 2:12.

America, North and South, is a choice land, a land reserved for God’s own purposes. This land and its inhabitants are under an everlasting decree. The Lord revealed this decree to the Brother of Jared, an American prophet, in these solemn words:
“And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.
“For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God.” (Ether 2:9–10.)

Many Americans have lost sight of the truth that righteousness is the one indispensable ingredient to liberty. Perhaps as never before in [the] history [of the United States] is [that] nation … deserving of … these words [of Abraham Lincoln]:

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have … forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us …” (“A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America,” March 30, 1863.)

In 1973 the First Presidency of the Church made public this statement, “We urge members of the Church and all Americans to begin now to reflect more intently on the meaning and importance of the Constitution. …”

Watch “12/28/2020 – PART 2 (of 3) – Christmas BOOMS! Scavino Storm /Dog posts! TRUMPSARA signs!” on YouTube

They weren’t about to repeat the mistakes of 2016. BUT, 2020 WILL BE THEIR BIGGEST AND FINAL MISTAKE.

They weren’t about to repeat the mistakes of 2016. BUT, 2020 WILL BE THEIR BIGGEST AND FINAL MISTAKE.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa946f No4880.11091496 📁
Oct 15 2020 17:22:02 (EST)
Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.
They weren’t about to repeat the mistake(s) of 2016.
You are what matters most.
You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

Watch “12.21.20: White House Pics provide AMAZING CLUES! Without VICTORY there is NO SURVIVAL!” on YouTube

BREAKING!! Lin Wood’s Most Important Message of the Year! –

BREAKING!! Lin Wood’s Most Important Message of the Year! –


Please be prepared or get prepared. The greatest thing you’ve ever witnessed is about to happen.

Let’s turn to scripture, And so, as John says, it will continue until at some point the first dictatorship will attain a position of absolute power for three-and-a-half years. Was this the deep state going after Trump? Then an amazing thing will happen.

However, at this point, John saw that the first dictatorship would make a lethal mistake which will eventually wipe it out of existence. Here is what happens:

“And the [beast or dictator] opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

“And it was given unto him to make WAR AGAINST THE Saints and to OVERCOME them: and power was given him over all mankind, and tongues and nations.”

Just as John’s account reaches a point of supreme suspense with the monster declaring war against the Saints – and overcoming them – John tells us the first dictatorship has been obliterated. WINNING!


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