Tracy says this is far from over. The TX case was rejected because TX was not injured and thus lacks standing. Also now two courts have ruled this case holds merit. It will be brought up again. Listen to her argument.
The president’s message was coded. Will you get it? If you’ve been watching the last 3 years you will get it. FISA brings down the house. TRUST THE PLAN
The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the civil war. From that battle onward President Lincoln and the Union won almost every battle.
Patriot news conference in Gettysburg on Lancaster blank was the turning point of the entire president Trump presidency. From now on it’s winning winning winning. And Trump will keep on winning until there are no Democrats left.
Please go to and sign up to learn to blog. We will help you and you can truly make a career doing this just like many of the other patriots I highlight in my videos.
Look, this is the greatest opportunity of our lifetimes, there’s no time to mess around. Q and the Patriots have this planned, this is a revolution. Many QANONS will tell you this is military planning at it’s finest.
“Q: THE ROAD TO FREEDOM – SerialBrain2”
If you want President Donald J Trump to succeed in bringing down the cabal and draining the swamp then American Patriots everywhere around the world need to become Digital Soldiers.
Trump flags in Sacramento with sons and grandsons
The United States of America is about to be cleansed of evil as prophesied in Scripture. Consider the righteous enthusiasm of Patriots for President Donald j Trump, going to church and praying daily, as the third or fourth Great Awakening that will preserve us before the great and terrible day of the Lord.
Now John is ready to transfer his attention from the five chapters outlining the preparations in heaven for the Second Coming and concentrate on the unfolding of these events on earth. All of these events are controlled by the factor of “time.” He therefore defines the period in which these events will occur. John says:
“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” 15
This immediately raises four highly significant questions. For example:
1. According to OUR calendar, when will the seventh seal be opened, and the half-hour of silence begins in heaven?
Until 1582 A.D. our calendar was not at all accurate, but Pope Gregory employed a group of mathematicians and astronomers to restructure the calendar. They set up the new calendar so that it was in perfect harmony or calibration with the sun. To make it completely accurate they had to add one day every four years and that is how we got our “leap year.”
But even with all that restructuring, how are we certain that it is completely accurate? The best answer to that question is in the Doctrine and Covenants. On two occasions the Lord used the Gregorian calendar in such a way that it seemed to clearly imply his approval of it.
In Section 20 the Lord said he wanted the Church established on the sixth day of April because it would be “one thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh.” 16
In the very next section we are told the Church was set up by Joseph Smith under the guidance of the Holy Ghost and then it says:
“Which church was organized and established in the year of your Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April.” 17
So if our calendar is accurate and apparently approved by the Lord, there is no question about the date of the opening of the seventh seal and the half hour of silence in heaven. It will commence in the year 2000 AD .
From a modern revelation we learn when the half hour of silence ends. Here is what the Lord says:
“And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, and IMMEDIATELY after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded, as a scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up, AND THE FACE OF THE LORD SHALL BE UNVEILED; and the saints that are upon the earth, who are alive, shall be quickened and be caught up to meet him.” 19
Obviously we are talking about the Second Coming. So this tells us when the half hour of silence ends. It is just before the Second Coming.
Since we know the half hour of silence begins at 2,000 A.D. when the seventh seal is opened and since we know from a modern revelation that the half hour of silence ends with the Second Coming, can we calculate in terms of years the length of time which will elapse between these two monumental events? In other words, can we determine about how long the half hour of silence lasts?
One of the apostles felt that such a calculation was possible. Here is the way Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggested it could be done. After talking about the half hour of silence, he says:
“If the time here mentioned is ‘ Lord’s time’ in which one day is a thousand years, the haft hour would be some twenty-one of our years.”
Elder McConkie reached this conclusion based on the following scriptures:
“A day with the Lord after his manner of reckoning, it being 1000 years according to the time appointed to that [ whereon thou standest.”
And again:
“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8
The next step was to divide 1,000 years by 24 to determine what an hour would be according to God’s time. It turned out to be 41.66 years or just under 42 years. This means that a half hour of God’s time would be ? 7 years or nearly 21 years. This would clearly suggest that this is the duration of the half hour of silence in heaven and the period of time when the angels undertake the calamitous preparation of the earth for the Savior’s second coming.
When they present their case on Monday or Tuesday will the court call for the arrest of suspects?
I think the court will take all the information to study it. Arrest will probably be made when the court comes out with a verdict.
Now understand more of the plan. President Kennedy was killed just before he would have activated directive 57. Nov 22 the 57 anniversary of the Kennedy assassination President Trump activates Directive 57. There are no coinsidences. We are watching a movie. Everything that has happened the last 4 years was already foreseen and countered, Watch “Patriots Activate the Beam of Light: JFK & C_A’s 1000 Pieces”
Listen to this speech about conspiracy and secret combinations given by Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. This is part of the doctrine of the LDS Church. This is the only church the only international Church where all members swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America.
I want to send this to members of the church/Christians and people of faith who think that Donald Trump is going to fail and that’s because he’s somehow evil. Many prophets were bad guys before they were called like Paul. Many prophets including those in the book of Mormon warned us of a conspiracy. Back in the eighties president Benson continually warned us of a vast conspiracy that threatened the freedom of the entire world. So if you believe in the conspiracy and as a Latter-Day Saint you must, then you must ask yourself what is the main characteristic of a conspiracy? The answer is liars, right? The Lord himself declared that the liar shall be thrust down to hell. Now, was Donald Trump convicted of collusion with Russia? Were the accusations for impeachment true? Were any of the lies from the left true? Then who is on the side of the conspiracy? Obviously it’s the Democrat party. And there are many never trumpers on the Republican side also. Two that I would definitely put in that category are Mitt Romney and Jeff flake. So if they are part of the worldwide conspiracy that President Benson talked about then who are the Patriots fighting against the conspiracy? Or put it this way who is the conspiracy afraid of? Obviously again that would be president Donald j Trump. So is there fraud in this November 3rd 2020 election? Obviously there must be a conspiracy to overthrow president Donald j Trump. This is a dividing moment in our lifetimes in the world’s history. Those who are not fighting the conspiracy are not honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christ alone fought the devil and won. Who’s on the Lord’s side who? Donald Trump.
Of course, none of the hundreds of thousands of election workers want to go to jail over this November 3rd 2020 election. So, hundreds of low-level operatives are coming forward to tell what they know and have seen. Whistleblowers, to escape prison.
Here’s more evidence that Patriots have been right all along because we know scripture.
Cleansing The Earth, Begins In America With President Donald J Trump Chapter 9. The fifth and sixth angels are assigned their ministry of cleansing the earth but they are not ‘to torment or destroy those who have the “seal of God in their foreheads.” (verse 4) This is where all the prophecies of the Donald Trump presidency come in to play. Obviously America is the first of those places to be cleansed.
I believe Donald Trump will be elected again in 2020 because right now we are just in the preparation before the intense cleansing begins. It should be well underway after the year 2021. Remember, ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. Trump’s mission is to eliminate the “High Places” like King Hezekiah. Hezekiah Destroys Idolatry in Judah 2 Kings 18
King Hezekiah destroys the idols in the high places of Judah. Supporting president Donald j Trump will cleanse the high places in America.
…3And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father David had done. 4He removed the high places, shattered the sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles. He also demolished the bronze serpent called Nehushtanthat Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had burned incense to it.
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