So, when the “professionals” can’t seem to — or better, don’t want to — mine for the lies that passed the nicotine-stained lips of Barack Obama, the little guy does it. Here’s a site considered “well sourced” of 1,366 examples of Obama’s lies while president.

Meanwhile, the NYT could only find 18?!? Weird for an unbiased news source who swears it’s trying to move outside the bubble and see how the rest of America views Washington.

Perhaps the Times should have checked out Jack Cashill’s book of Obama lies, You Lie. Obama’s lies were about issues of war and peace, such as his comment that ISIS was a mere JV team, or that al-Qaeda was on the run, while almost all of Trump’s “lies” are either simple exaggerations or carelessly assembled facts and only qualify as lies in the demented minds of Trump haters.
I looked at the first few items on the list of what they considered “lies,” and I think they’re stretching the definition of “lie” quite a bit.
So, he changed his mind. That’s not exactly a “lie.”

“A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.”
A slight exaggeration. “14 or 15” versus “11.” Big deal.

“Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.”There’s no evidence for God either, so does that make every president who believes in God a liar?

“Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive. Another exaggeration, not a lie.

I didn’t go through all of them, but it seems like they’re reaching. Besides, none of these “lies” really affect anything or have any relevance to any specific issue. Compare that with Nixon’s famous “I’m not a crook” or Reagan’s “We didn’t trade arms for hostages.” Reagan also said that there’s no word for “freedom” in Russian, which was part of his whole “evil empire” spiel.
Then there was Clinton, who was quite vague on his stance on NAFTA during his campaign (trying to suggest that he was against it), but then came out in favor of it, as if he was one of its most enthusiastic supporters. Technically, it may not have been a lie, but a gross, despicable betrayal of America’s working class. Any Democrat who supported NAFTA was worse than a liar, since it was a betrayal of the working class, and the Democrats’ claim to be the party of the working man.


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