So we now have 53 sworn testimonies of Deep State players. And we see that so far all of them under oath say they knew nothing. Yet to the media then and to America they were lying all the time. I’ve seen this so many times, even in murder cases where the gang members tell so many different lies that juries can’t keep up and the cases end up dismissed. Prosecutors here are going to have to prove a conspiracy to overthrow a sitting president and they will have to prove a reason for wanting to do so. And to get to treason which is punishable by death, they will have to prove beyond the shadow of doubt that they committed great harm, even murder. We know that that has been happening for a long time by the Clinton Mafia. but can they prove that? Can they prove they are all sworn members to the mafia? RICO provides some guidance.
There is so much speculation about this John Durham criminal investigation. But Durham also busted some FBI agents for Bill Clinton.Remember Obama followed President Trump almost everywhere trying to assure leaders around the world that the deep state was still in charge.I’m quite sure most Patriots fear America’s Shadow government. We have never beaten the shadow government since Woodrow Wilson. Well even before that because Abraham Lincoln was killed by that shadow government.So what are you waiting for? Get involved. Where We Go One We Go All!This is the first real hope I can remember from Q anons. Yes, a lot of people have been fired but none have been prosecuted successfully yet. Though Kip Simpson points out that hundreds of State Democrat officials have been prosecuted and are now doing prison time
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