Even after he said his faith and conscience demand that he do so, everyone still wants to know the real reasons Mitt Romney is fighting President Donald J Trump. Why is he the only republican doing so? I have learned through disappointments that what someone tells me isn’t the whole story. Getting the whole story is important.


I have people in my family who still wonder if there is any truth to Dems claims because they ask Why? Why would Dems be so united in their hatred of Trump if there is no there there? If we can’t answer that question with evidence of the crimes, the true crimes of Dems, then we will fail 2020. But here is an example of why “Never Trumpers”.

Politician charged in human trafficking adoption scheme

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/arizona-official-charged-marshall-islands-adoption-scheme-66170106 Petersen charged families $25,000-$40,000 per adoption and brought about $2.7 million into a bank account for adoption fees in less than two years, according to court documents. https://truepundit.com/top-never-trumpers-tied-to-politician-indicted-for-human-smuggling-and-selling-children/.

We shall see that all “Never Trumpers” are involved in major criminal schemes.

Nevada flipped from completely Red to completely blue in 2018 because people only heard Trump Russia over and over and over. We have to start seeing crimes of Dems from now to November. People have to see that the reason for this overwhelming hatred isn’t Trump per se, it’s his ambition to drain the swamp.
They all kissed up to Trump before, he knows them, he went along watching their corruption but never participating. Like a giant sting operation, Trump, Barr, Durham and others know everything about them. 144,000 sealed indictments from federal grand juries have them terrified. These articles about Romney are the tip of a giant iceberg about to be nuked.

https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3069944 Now you are aware of some of the rest of the story: Why Mitt Romney is fighting President Donald J Trump.


McCain, Romney, Flake tied to human trafficker?



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