Just listen to these Podcast you don’t need to take time to watch them.
It’s a terrible thing that those in Congress are allowing Shifty Schift to flat out lie about the president and not censure or punish him.
I guess the saying, “All’s fair in love and war” holds true. But so is “The spoils go to the Victor”. I’m completely confident that we win.
And so is LT, listen to this https://youtu.be/I5w53DwxIEM

President Trump says Virginia will become a red state for the 2020 elections. I totally believe it but what does Trump know that we don’t know yet?
Shifty-Schiff pedo connections all over Twitter. Omar fraud and campaign crimes will put her away. Ukraine will expose money laundering to Pelosi, Romney, Biden, and Kerry. So many others knew HRC would cover for them but oops; the “Cleansing of America” has begun.

Many more Dems and Republicans to be exposed as traitors before 2020 elections.
Farmers are now working feverously to profit from the tremendous opportunities afforded by Trump policies and the rest of us can also profit greatly. We will reap what we sow, It’s non stop 24/7 from now through November

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