Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting is often a necessary option – in fact, CABG is the most common open-heart operation in the United States and is performed with less risk than removing a ruptured appendix. It is the most lasting of the techniques we have to offer.

So here I am in my fourth day at 3:30 p.m. post op. I think, like many I’ve read or viewed, most are feeling pretty good at the third day and many are ready to go home. I had a bit of an afib attack last night and so they are running an IV for me to keep my heart pacing.
No one will ever say anything different, it’s a horrible surgery, very painful at first. Put like it says in the item of the outcome for continuing a joyful life is remarkable. That’s why I chose to do it. I say I chose to do it because I didn’t drop dead from a heart attack in my driveway shoveling snow. My cardiologist Dr Devang Desai at St Mary’s thought we should do a baseline treadmill nuclear test. That test showed I had a small heart attack which I had thought was only a bubble of air in my chest. I then had a heart cath which showed 3 85% to 95% blockages.

My wife Julie always sends me these adorable emojis. This one should say “you can do this!”
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