The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q Q post started showing up on 8 Chan in October 2017 and they have not stopped. Q, apparently is a team of military intel patriots anywhere in the world who coeordinate tactics against the deep state and Democrat party and anyone else who are traitors to America.
Through the courts, they have empaneled hundreds of grand juries who are legitimately spying on thousands of traitors. There are more than 144000 sealed indictments against the deep state. Tens of thousands of pedophiles and Democrat legislators have already been imprisoned for corruption.
Bloomberg spending a fortune to help rig the election against Bernie and Warren. Why were they kept out of Iowa?
Patriots are winning hands down. President Trump’s approval rating is higher today than when Obama was running for re election against Romney at the same time in February 2012.
Nothing is working for the totally corrupt democrats and the lying leftist media. It’s over for them they are all going down, the swamp is being drained and they can’t get out of the current.

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