Every time I watch a video like this of how the left is trying to destroy all that is good in this world. I ask myself, why? I ask others, why? Why do they do it? When every example in history proves their ideas only bring depravity, destruction, misery and death. e.g. Venezuela, Cuba, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, China, Germany, Italy, France, over and over, doesn’t everyone see it doesn’t work?
I see Braveheart, Superman, all of these American shows. They all show that evil never prospers. Why does the left promote it? Then I remember my experience with evil. It Is force, gangs force. Men Force women, why are there hundreds of progressive feminists coerced into being slaves 2 Rainier as sexual harem, yet still advocating leftist liberation? They are forced, they were tricked into that gang and are now forced to perform or Die. Blood in Blood out. With all the men killed in war, there should be many more women, yet they are not because they are murdered more often than ants. Even in their childhood.
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