Well you decide here are some of the prophecies about these times we live in.

The Holy Roman Empire was the first Reich. The Roman Empire never managed to conquer all of the territory that Germany is currently in.

The Second one was created through the vision of the Prussian reactionary Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck.

German Empire. This is also called the Kaiserreich and the Second Reich.

This was destroyed in the First Weltkrieg and replaced by the Weimar Republic. Due to hyperinflation, the Treaty of Versailles, and Communist influences, the NSADP under Adolf Hitler became the dominant power and took over the government. This would be the Third Reich.

The devil has been trying to get men to organize or reorganize the Roman Empire made of iron for centuries now. We saw that clearly with Hitler.
Check out this blog.

The world is rallying with American president Donald Trump to rid the world of this diabolical Menace. The players of this NWO, Nazi World Order, are running, resigning from positions all over the world as the stone cut without hands begins to crush them.

I believe there are two aspects of this Stone one spiritual and one physical. The spiritual aspect is the Christian church and not the Catholic Church. The physical aspect is the government of the United States under the Constitution and direction of the maestro President Donald Trump.


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