When Trump gets his infrastructure bill passed I think we will see wages really go up because government jobs are going to be plentiful and companies that want to retain their employees are going to have to compete with government jobs.
Or is it? So while we’ve all been following Q for three and a half years we are now living under the greatest form of tyranny that has ever existed in the United States. Democrats don’t need a candidate, they have already won. The next step will be if you want to open your business you will have to pay your Noble assembly person. It’s pay-to-play. The Democrats are in control of their feifdoms forever. What say you?
Catholic nobles are back in power and we are the serfs.
I do agree our only hope is President Trump and the Patriots, the Q team.
I also know, as a 30-year cop that the best way to catch criminals is with an undercover sting operation. With 165K sealed indictments I hope that is what’s happening.
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