IMO, This is one of the MOST important broadcasts EVER allowed to air on TV.

Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, who claims to be part of a “DoD Task Force” goes off script and tells some absolutely INCREDIBLE TRUTHS.

The DOJ has made a huge mistake

This is where President Trump has out played them all. This is “#the beginning of winning” We are about to see WINNING so much that we are actually going to feel bad for Democrats. Not so much for RINOs because they portray themselves as Christian, Prolife Patriots and then ultimately vote with Democrats on everything. RINOs see the Cabal in control of everything and are willing to sell out their constituents for crumbs from the Cabal. They are Sell-Outs. Almost all my supervisors in law enforcement were sell-outs. They sell their souls to the devil and turn on their former friends. Those people are sick and we are sick and tired of them running things. All of the prophets of old have awaited this day with anxious expectations.

We live in the day that “our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation.”1 We have front-row seats to witness live what the prophets saw only in vision, that “the power of the Lamb of God” would descend “upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.”2

I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon ball the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.

13 And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to afight against the Lamb of God.

You, my brothers and sisters, are among those men, women, and children whom the prophets saw. Think of that!

Hear Him (


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