Nevada: Yes on 3, and 6 empowers homeowners and small business to participate in one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history. Remember Nevada: Yes on 3, and 6.
Question 6 forces the State of Nevada to establish 50% renewable energy by 2030. This is a massive transfer of wealth from fossil energy to hydroelectric, solar and wind. So who can prosper in this transfer? Everyone! California residents are leading the way as they choose to dump their expensive democratic monopoly producers and move to “INSTALL FREEDOM” with their own residential solar for less than half the cost. It’s a “No Brainer” in California where Democrats stay in power by legislating “Pay to Play” Monopolies.
Our unique selling proposition provides consumers the ability to pay dramatically LESS for solar than the status quo of paying the Power Company – offering them the possibility of significant positive cash flow plus the other great benefits of going solar from day one. We believe it’s no longer a matter of being able to afford solar, now you can’t afford not to go solar.
Customer Acquisition Engine
We couple our lean business model with the Solar Buyers Club, a tiered affiliate marketing plan which uses social media and grass-roots people-power to capture a new wave of entrepreneurial spirit – we believe that average people can tap into the greatest transfer of wealth in history. Members (individuals, groups and businesses) earn cash rewards for spreading the word about the advantages of solar.
Energy has been controlled by a small group of wealthy power companies[15] until now – our model helps to rapidly transfer the electric power, and the money that goes along with it, directly into the hands of the consumers via roof-top solar. Think about this. The only way socialist have any clout with voters is through lies and fake news spread by other billionaires. Even some in the fake news industry recognize this. We don’t need Billionaires building more power plants. As stated in this LA Times article:
yet charge customers 3-5 times more
“California has so much surplus electricity that, like Nevada, they either shut down production or close the plant altogether. “The way [utilities] earn revenue is building stuff. When they see a need, they are perversely [incentivized] to come up with a solution like a gas plant.”. And some plants are being closed decades earlier than planned,” says Jaleh Firooz, power-industry consultant.
“Building more plants and transmission lines wouldn’t make the power system much more reliable, but would mean…
higher profits for utilities.”
This is because the PUC’s and crony legislators are being paid under the table to approve these plants and pass the cost to ratepayers. It’s “Pay to PLay” So definitely vote Yes on Question 6. And vote Yes on Question 3 which gives homeowners the opportunity to sell excess solar to the grid. Home owners want independence and others want cheaper energy. That all comes with Deregulation. So for Nevada, Vote Yes on Question 3 and Yes on Question 6. Then see what solar can do for you.
There is no upfront cost to owning your own money making power plant and you’ll be
Here’s the bottom line on Questions 3 and 6.
Question 3 is for the Homeowner to be able to get the same energy choices that Switch Industries, Wynne and Sands Corporation have had to pay over $100 Million to get. The corrupt Nevada legislature gave Billionaire Warren Buffett an energy monopoly and big energy consumers have had to pay fines to disconnect. NVEnergy even stopped paying home solar producers for their energy. Corrupt Nevada is trying to follow the same socialist road to hell as California. So Nevadans better vote Yes on Question 3 and No on 6.
Question 6 is the part of the largest transfer of wealth from independent energy producers to Billionaire Democrats who will launder ratepayers profits back to the Demoncrats to keep the “Pay to PLay” schemes going. Question 6 is all about the “Global Warming” rip-off. Those schemes have always resulted in economic crash and severe depravity for citizens. California can’t seem to wait to become the next Venezuela and Argentina is still struggling to recover. Don’t let Nevada go down this road. Instead YES ON QUESTION 3, NO ON QUESTION 6.
Argentina: Will the reforms in place pay off?
The very best way to protect ourselves from liberal insanity is to get our own solar. When we do that it protects us from whatever scheme they use to rip us off. We can get off the grid. To get the best solar contact us here:
[contact-form-7 id=”176″ title=”Contact form 1″]
installing freedom
Doctrine and Covenants 101:80
For 27 years working California Corrections we tried to identify all coded inmate mail to be sent to the FBI decoders. Serial Brain is, in my opinion, a high level FBI decoder. I wish I had know this. They only teach it to investigative teams. So much crime goes on...
Watch “MUST WATCH: Jim Jordan GOES OFF During Clinton Foundation Hearing” on YouTube The Clintons should owe hundreds of Millions in back taxes and those who gave them tax-exempt status should go to jail.
Watch “Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic – Episode 1753b” on YouTube
Don't panic All of This has president and is prophesied. You need to read about this. And listen to the x22report below. I want to preface this with some statements by President Gordon B Hinckley, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day...
The Maestro hangs a Q stocking in Trump Tower
Let's have some holiday fun Check out @TrumpHotels’s Tweet: Donald J Trump is the little kid who shouts, "the King has no clothes." Now people all over the world are rejecting...
Global Sex Trafficking Ring Busted In One Of America’s ‘Happiest,’ ‘Safest’ Cities – CBS Los Angeles It absolutely doesn't matter how many good people live in an area, if Democrats get in there they will destroy it. Irvine is latest Orange County city to tilt...
Trump warns that FISA DEC(L)ass will bring down the Deep state Every Patriot wants to be involved in the fight to Make "America Great Again", #MAGA, #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Julie and I have two children in the United States Air Force. They have made...
Watch “Is President Donald Trump Really Prophecy” on YouTube
Well you decide here are some of the prophecies about these times we live in. Jacob Lebold Updated Aug 24, 2017 · The Holy Roman Empire was the first Reich. The Roman Empire never managed to conquer all of the territory that Germany is currently in. The Second one was...
More Evidence That Dems Are Fascist. Q ANON Update on YouTube
Democrats have rejected the US Constitution for no person has unalienable rights. Mere accusations would have crucified Kavanaugh or anyone else who opposes them. Of course, they are mostly Catholic so bringing back the inquisition is their M.O. To Christian's this is...
As the world was headed towards a global communist takeover I thank God everyday for President Trump This video no longer available because info wars was terminated
Democrats are the reason for catastophic Forest Fires
Donald Trump visits California, again blaming fires on forest management: * Trump: ‘The big problem we have is management’ * Confusion over high number of people unaccounted for President Donald Trump arrived… #TheResistance #ImpeachTrump...
For 27 years working California Corrections we tried to identify all coded inmate mail to be sent to the FBI decoders. Serial Brain is, in my opinion, a high level FBI decoder. I wish I had know this. They only teach it to investigative teams. So much crime goes on...
Watch “MUST WATCH: Jim Jordan GOES OFF During Clinton Foundation Hearing” on YouTube The Clintons should owe hundreds of Millions in back taxes and those who gave them tax-exempt status should go to jail.
Watch “Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic – Episode 1753b” on YouTube
Don't panic All of This has president and is prophesied. You need to read about this. And listen to the x22report below. I want to preface this with some statements by President Gordon B Hinckley, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day...
The Maestro hangs a Q stocking in Trump Tower
Let's have some holiday fun Check out @TrumpHotels’s Tweet: Donald J Trump is the little kid who shouts, "the King has no clothes." Now people all over the world are rejecting...
Global Sex Trafficking Ring Busted In One Of America’s ‘Happiest,’ ‘Safest’ Cities – CBS Los Angeles It absolutely doesn't matter how many good people live in an area, if Democrats get in there they will destroy it. Irvine is latest Orange County city to tilt...
Trump warns that FISA DEC(L)ass will bring down the Deep state Every Patriot wants to be involved in the fight to Make "America Great Again", #MAGA, #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. Julie and I have two children in the United States Air Force. They have made...
Watch “Is President Donald Trump Really Prophecy” on YouTube
Well you decide here are some of the prophecies about these times we live in. Jacob Lebold Updated Aug 24, 2017 · The Holy Roman Empire was the first Reich. The Roman Empire never managed to conquer all of the territory that Germany is currently in. The Second one was...
More Evidence That Dems Are Fascist. Q ANON Update on YouTube
Democrats have rejected the US Constitution for no person has unalienable rights. Mere accusations would have crucified Kavanaugh or anyone else who opposes them. Of course, they are mostly Catholic so bringing back the inquisition is their M.O. To Christian's this is...
As the world was headed towards a global communist takeover I thank God everyday for President Trump This video no longer available because info wars was terminated
Democrats are the reason for catastophic Forest Fires
Donald Trump visits California, again blaming fires on forest management: * Trump: ‘The big problem we have is management’ * Confusion over high number of people unaccounted for President Donald Trump arrived… #TheResistance #ImpeachTrump...
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